This paper introduces the trend, characteristics, and the reasons of the youth violent crime in the United States from 1960 to 1999, makes the evolutional trace of the policy system for reducing Juvenile violent crime rate, and analysis the usefulness of the policies. 本文结合1960&1999年美国青少年暴力犯罪发展趋势、特点及原因,理顺40年来美国政府治理青少年暴力犯罪政策体系演变之脉络,并对政策实施的效用加以分析。
It is necessary to establish and perfect the juvenile education mechanism, and strengthen the social security management and the implementation of criminal policies so as to prevent the happening of juvenile delinquency. 因此,应通过进一步完善立法,健全、完善未成年人培养教育机制,加强社会治安综合治理和落实刑事政策、实施司法预防来积极预防未成年人犯罪。
The community is giving more and more concern for the juvenile, and they are considered by national policies and public opinions in the aspects of age and psychological characteristics etc. To a certain extent, it is truly "concern of next generation". 现在,社会各界对于未成年人的关注程度越来越高,国家政策、社会舆论在某些问题上都考虑到了未成年人的年龄阶段、心理特点等方面,可以说是真正做到了关心下一代。
It includes juvenile criminal legislative policy, juvenile criminal judiciary policy, as well as juvenile crime social policies. 它包括少年刑事立法政策、少年刑事司法政策以及少年犯罪的社会政策。